Nemesis Bird

Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight 21

The Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight will highlight some of the fun shots we’ve gotten recently with a camera paired with a spotting scope or binoculars. We welcome submissions of your favorite digiscoped shots to be featured in future spotlights, just use the contact form in the menu above.

A couple weeks ago, shorebird migration was heating up at East Pond in Jamaica Bay, but the early evidence of passerine migration was also obvious because the many Northern Waterthrushes that were chipping in the vegetation around the pond. Occasionally, a brave one would zip out onto the mud, flitting around as it tried to find some invertebrates to fuel the rest of its southbound migration. The video below tries to capture how spastic these warblers were behaving, acting somewhere between a peep and a wagtail.

I am pretty excited about some of these first signs of passerine migration starting up in earnest. What are you seeing moving where you are?

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