:: The Nature Conservancy has asked rice farmers in California to leave water on their fields as a place for migrating waterfowl to rest and eat in the midst of the state’s drought
:: Birders in Nagpur, India, are trying to come up with new ways to interest the public in bird watching
:: A fascinating article about Dark-eyed Juncos by Bob Duchesne who is a Maine Audubon trustee and vice president of its Penobscot Valley Chapter
:: Birds & Blooms magazine is holding a contest to win a trip to The Biggest Week in American Birding in May. Go to the website to find out how you can enter the contest.
:: Scientists have attached a GPS tracking device to a Great Indian Bustard to help learn more about the critically endangered species.
:: An on-board aircraft camera caught video of a bird crashing into a window of a Piper Saratoga plane
:: Paul Riss’s the Punk Rock Big Year Birder Apparel online store is now open
Great posts in birding blogs this week:
:: From Sarah at The Eyrie: Birding in Wilderness
:: From Erik at the Nutty Birder: Harlequin Duck Photography at Barnegat
:: From Dawn at Dawns Bloggy Blog: The Wren or not the Wren? Sinaloa
:: From Josiah at Birds in Your Backyard: Owl Prowl (Part 1)
:: From Julie Zickefoose’s blog: Duck Duck Goose… Swan!
:: From Dan at Bird Canada: A fond farewell to Alberta’s Winter Birds
:: From David Sibley’s blog: Quiz on Belizean Birds and Greater Coverts