Today Alex and I ventured out into the rain and headed for Mountain Home Reservoir. We birded the reservoir and added Black Tern to our Idaho list, and nearby at a small riparian area, found two new flycatcher species for our state lists. Alex spotted a Cordilleran low in some willows, a darker flycatcher that appears very yellow at first sight. We had only seen one before in California, so it was nice to get a really good look at it again, and confirm its identity with a quick song.

Cordilleran Flycatcher (photo by Anna Fasoli)
Within a few minutes, another flycatcher appeared on a branch. This one was a little larger, but lighter in color. We followed it into the sage brush, and realized it was a Dusky Flycatcher.
After birding a few more places, the sun came out, we met up with Cheryl Huizinga, and headed for Discovery State Park. Despite the crowds gathered to see the “rooster tail” event, the trees were loaded with warblers, and we found our lifer Townsend’s Warbler, and most of the other species we saw there the other day with a few additions. At Foote Park, our target was the Least Flycatcher that had been found yesterday. We did find a flycatcher foraging at mid to low level in the trees and bushes (bringing our days total of flycatcher species up to 5, including Say’s Phoebe and Western Kingbird). UPDATE! Initially we thought it was a Least, but after reviewing photos and discussing the bird withmore people, we think it may have been a Hammond’s Flycatcher. More tomorrow on the non-flycatcher species we saw!