Nemesis Bird

Tundra Swans and Red-throated Loon at Colyer Lake

On my way home from seeing the Anna’s Hummingbird, Cattle Egret, White-winged Crossbill, I found out that Nan Butkovitch had reported a Red-throated Loon at Colyer Lake. Not having that for the year in PA I decided to stop. In addition to the Red-throated Loon, 31 Tundra Swans came in while I was there and a merlin caught and eat a bat. Pretty eventful for a short stop. I digiscoped a bunch of shots as the Tundra Swans were coming in and posted the best. I will get the Merlin photos up tomorrow.

Red-throated Loon

Tundra Swans

Tundra Swans

Tundra Swans

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