Light to moderate southbound movement

Regional Overview

Migration was light across the Northeast but much stronger further south and west. Check out the animations below for your area to get an idea of migration near you.

New York

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

As always, please leave me comments on what you find out in the field.

Pennsylvania & New Jersey

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

Afternoon update – Reports from the field indicate the western and central PA birders experienced fallout conditions at several locations. The rain storms moving through overnight were likely the cause of this. 


Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

Ohio prediction coming soon…

Maryland and Delaware

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.

Prediction coming soon…

For migration updates or other regions check-

Pac NW – Birds Over Portland by Greg Haworth

I need your help! These reports will only be as good as the feedback I get on these updates. Please leave comments on interesting patterns of migration you are seeing in the field so I can incorporate some ground truthing to my forecasts and predictions. Thanks!