Regional Overview
Last night saw strong migration across the region as winds were light and mostly from the south. The coast saw the heaviest movement of birds, but migration was still strong further inland. Small patches of precipitation were moving across some areas, but they were likely not big enough to influence migration and cause any fallout. The later migrants such as Alder Flycatcher and Mourning Warbler should now be showing up on territory and as they migrate through. Lots of other species are already establishing territories and some even are already tending young in the nest.
Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Central and eastern PA radars showed a strong migration last night with NNE according to the velocity radar. Western PA showed good migration as well but lighter than the rest of the state. Expect new birds to be around in most areas. With no real precipitation to set birds down, expect them to be broadly distributed across the landscape.
As always, please leave me comments on what you find out in the field.
Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Maryland prediction coming soon…
New York
Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
New York prediction coming soon…
Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized animation.
Migration appeared strong across the entire state with precipitation only in the most southern counties. This may have produced a blocking effect resulting in a net loss of birds in the southern half of the state, but the northern parts of Ohio should definitely see some new birds around this morning.
Check Kenn Kaufman’s blog for more specifics on what to expect this time of year.
For migration updates or other regions check-
New England – Tom Auer’s blog
New Jersey – Woodcreeper by David La Puma
Florida/SE – Badbirdz Reloaded by Angel and Mariel Abreu
NW Ohio – Birding the Crane Creek by Kenn Kaufman
Wisconsin – Woodcreeper by David La Puma
Arizona – Words About Birds by Tim Schreckengost
Pac NW – Birds Over Portland by Greg Haworth
I need your help! These reports will only be as good as the feedback I get on these updates. Please leave comments on interesting patterns of migration you are seeing in the field so I can incorporate some ground truthing to my forecasts and predictions. Thanks!