Nemesis Bird

Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight – Ibis

The Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight will highlight some of the fun shots we’ve gotten recently with a camera paired with a spotting scope. We welcome submissions of your favorite digiscoped shots to be featured in future spotlights, just use the contact form in the menu above.


White-faced Ibis (top left) and Glossy Ibis (bottom right) – Zeiss Diascope T*FL 85 with iPhone 5s/PhoneSkope adapter (Drew Weber)

The Cayuga Basin’s 4th record of White-faced Ibis showed up at Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge about a week ago. The exact date it showed up is unknown as it was discovered soon after the refuge opened following the government shutdown.

Conveniently, the White-faced Ibis was in the company of a Glossy Ibis, allowing close comparison of these two similar species.

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