Nemesis Bird

Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight 20

The Weekend Digiscoping Spotlight will highlight some of the fun shots we’ve gotten recently with a camera paired with a spotting scope or binoculars. We welcome submissions of your favorite digiscoped shots to be featured in future spotlights, just use the contact form in the menu above.

Laughing Gulls are the most numerous gull species in southern Delaware this time of year, with large multi-aged flocks kicking around the state. Laughers are extremely sexy and make good subjects for digiscoping because they are usually tolerable of people. This past Saturday, my buddy Rich and I were walking around Delaware Seashore State Park and found a few adults and a single juvenile Laughing Gull posted up on a walking bridge. Here I present my best digiscoped shot of a Laughing Gull.

Laughing Gull at Delaware Seashore State Park, Sussex Co, DE on 23 August 2014. Digiscoped with an iPhone 5 + Leica APO-Televid 65 & Phone Skope Adapter. iPhone photo by Tim Schreckengost.

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