:: Two Whooping Cranes were shot and killed in Kentucky last week
:: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is starting a visit to Israel, where he will visit the newly renamed Stephen J. Harper Hula Valley Bird Sanctuary Visitor and Education Centre, located along a migration route in northern Israel.
:: 70 Barred Owls have been shot in the U.S. northwest as part of a plan to help the endangered Northern Spotted Owl population recover
:: The Calgary Zoo hosted a symposium last week to come up with strategies and a plan to save the endangered Greater Sage-Grouse in Alberta
:: 16 year-old Logan Kahle is doing a Big Year in California and hopes to beat the previous record of 479 species
Great posts in birding blogs this week:
:: From Nathan at The Eyrie: Open Mic: Hog Island Adventures!
:: From Auriel at Natural Austerity: How to Enjoy Cold Weather
:: From Kirby at Birding is Fun: Cold (not Angry) Birds
:: From Tim at Bird Canada: The Wounded of Weed Lake: an on-going tale of winter survival
:: From Steve at Bourbon, Bastards, and Birds: Carara National Park (Part II)