The beginning of fall migration 2016 is treating the Susquehanna River corridor nicely, with multiple rare waders making their presence known in Lancaster County – three juvenile Little Blue Herons were visible form the Falmouth River Access, a juvenile Snowy Egret is at the Riverfront Park Access, and a juvenile Cattle Egret continues at Conewago Wetlands. These three species are rare, but annual, in southern PA and are in addition to the much more common Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, Green Herons, and both night-heron species. Other notable sightings along the river right now are scattered Bald Eagles, Osprey, Caspian and Forster’s Terns, as well as a nice assortment of the more common migrant shorebirds. An immature Peregrine has been seen hunting for shorebirds at the Conejohela Flats! There are also literally thousands of swallows staging along the river, mostly Northern Rough-winged. I’ll be leading kayak-birding tours to see and photograph birds and other wildlife at these locations throughout the first half of August – sign up now!

Northern Rough-winged Swallow showing off the current state of its wing molt in Middletown, Dauphin County (Photo by Alex Lamoreaux)