Seriously though, just do it. Justine, Anna, Alex and I spent almost a week last spring birding Magee Marsh and nearby hotspots and had a huge blast. The warbler migration along the Great Lakes is phenomenal, and the Biggest Week is ideally situated to produce memorable birding days, no matter what the weather is. Our first day in the area was extremely rainy, but we were excited to be there so we camped out in the car near the beginning of the boardwalk. Â After just 90 minutes of car window birding, we were already up to 20 species of warblers for the trip and almost 40 species total.
The Biggest Week isn’t just about warblers though. The surrounding wetlands of Metzger Marsh were teaming with birds, from shorebirds and terns, to an incredibly cooperative Sora that fed just feet from many birders. There are guided tours and canoe trips that are led by experts and get you out to excellent birding habitat in the region. In addition, there are a plethora of workshops focusing on everything from warbler identification to digiscoping with an iPhone. Check out the event schedule for the full lineup.
And the people are great as well! There are professional guides wandering the boardwalk, pointing out birds and helping everyone get great looks. There is always the chance of a celebrity birder sighting along the boardwalk as well, including BirdChick, the optics company reps who are all fantastic birders and incredibly friendly, Jeff Gordon (ABA prez), and even the dynamic duo Kim and Kenn Kaufman.
The Nemesis Bird Team is still working through schedules but hoping to make an appearance during the festival. So what are you waiting for? Registration is open!