Nemesis Bird

my flickr groups

Thought you should all know that there are some excellent uses for the photo sharing site, Flickr.
I just started two groups to document the variation of Song Sparrows and Fox Sparrows across North America. Because of the new mapping feature I hope to make it possible to quickly look at photos of all the different subspecies of these two sparrows. Its just starting so there are not many photos up now but if you see any, please invite them.

I also have two longer running groups that have grown a lot. The first was to compile lots of pictures of hawks in flight to help ID them as you would from a watch site. The Flight: Raptors of N. America group now has 86 contributors and almost 300 pictures. The Confusing Fall Warblers was formed to compare all those fall plumaged warblers that can be so hard to identify.

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