There is a little spot on the Susquehanna River south of Harrisburg known for fall Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows. It’s basically a collection of small islands populated by sedges and grasses and the sparrows seem to like it. Today, the most common passerines on the islands were American Pipits and Savannah Sparrows.
The real show-stoppers today were the shorebirds, though. A friend and I managed 11 species, which is notable for an October birding excursion in Pennsylvania. For me, the most exciting find were the three juvenile Long-billed Dowitchers that foraged for a long stretch of time with both Yellowlegs. Unfortunately I forgot the memory cards for the camera and so this is the best shot of the birds I could come up with.
Long-billed Dowitcher- juvenile
American Golden-Plovers also put in a good showing, with at least six juvenile plumaged birds flying consorting with a trio of Black-bellied Plovers and Killdeer. I took some decent shots of them last week when I managed some shots of an adult transitioning out of breeding plumage.
juv American Golden-Plover