While driving down from Mt. Lemmon last week, as we were entering the suburbs of Tucson, Arizona, a beautiful adult Zone-tailed Hawk was soaring right over the road! I couldn’t believe me eyes; this was the closest I had ever seen a Zone-tailed Hawk. Usually when I see them, they are no closer than a mile away, so to have one soaring so close overhead that at times I couldn’t even fit the entire bird in my camera frame was insane. I took close to 100 photos of this beautiful raptor, but below are the ones I liked the best. I hope you enjoy them as well!

Zone-tailed Hawk - adult in Tucson, Arizona

Zone-tailed Hawk - adult in Tucson, Arizona

Zone-tailed Hawk - adult in Tucson, Arizona

Zone-tailed Hawk - adult in Tucson, Arizona

Zone-tailed Hawk - adult in Tucson, Arizona