Most eastern warblers pass through Florida during migration, some even overwinter throughout the state. Some, like the Blackburnian Warbler are much more abundant throughout the state during fall migration compared to spring migration. Others, like Mourning Warbler and Wilson’s Warbler seem to ignore Florida altogether and pass west of the state and follow a route through Texas and/or over the Gulf of Mexico. Most Wilson’s Warblers that do show up in Florida are found in the southeastern portion of the state, between West Palm Beach and the everglades. Tallahassee and St. Petersburg are also hotspots for attracting this fairly rare migrant. Gainesville is another popular location for this small yellow warbler to turn up. On December 17th, 2011 a Wilson’s Warbler was discovered along the east side of Newnan’s Lake near Gainesville. The bird has stuck around since then and has offered great looks to birders that have gone out searching for it. Luckily, this past Monday I had the opportunity to bird the area with Rex Rowan and we found the Wilson’s Warbler quite easily, foraging with Palm Warblers (checklist link).