It was wonderfully foggy yesterday but I decided I wanted to see what the lake held before the fog lifted and everything flew off. Unfortunately, the fog was so thick that I could barely see anything on the lake. There was a good flock of Canada Geese with one young Snow Goose mixed in as well as a Red-breasted Merganser. That was it for the lake. I walked around some of the brushy areas near the lake and managed to get a fine picture of the fog. Looks pretty haunted…
Also got some good looks at a hyper Winter Wren(when aren’t they) and some Golden-crowned Kinglets. I really love the way the kinglets hang out in tall grassy areas and pop right up in front of you when you pish.
The other highlight was the large flock of gulls that were pulling worms out of a nearby schools lawn. There must have been over 200 Ring-billed and 10 Herring Gulls in the flock. I kept scanning to find something rarer (Iceland Gulls have been reported nearby and both Black-backed gulls are possible) but they kept disappearing into the fog.