This morning, Anna and I conducted Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys throughout the Cornfield Nature Trail area at Cibola NWR. We were able to find 51 species of birds, one of which would have been a new state bird for both of us, but only Anna saw it; an adult Osprey. Other highlights included an immature White-tailed Kite that was perched with a bunch of doves on the powerlines and a nice assortment of shorebirds that were feeding alongside the Cattle Egrets, White-faced Ibis, Great Egrets, and Snowy Egret in some flooded fields. The shorebird mix included Wilson’s Phalarope, Long-billed Dowitcher, Long-billed Curlew, Least Sandpiper, Greater Yellowlegs, and Killdeer. Below are a few photos I took this morning while walking around.

White-tailed Kite (immature; note buffy wash on throat and back) and Mourning Doves

White-tailed Kite (immature; note buffy wash on throat and back)

Western Kingbird

Black-headed Grosbeak - male

Blue Grosbeak - subadult male

Wilson's Phalarope

Snowy Egret