On Saturday, we arrived at the Magee Marsh Boardwalk in the afternoon. The location of a Cerulean Warbler was tweeted earlier in the day, and I had hoped to track it down since it would be a lifer (appalling, as a birder from PA…I know!). When I arrived on scene, I was distracted by a roosting Whip-poor-will, which I took a closer look at in Jeff Bouton’s Leica scope. So awesome! Jeff then pointed out the tree that the Cerulean had been favoring. It hadn’t been seen for about ten minutes, but I was hopeful, since a nearby Canada (!) and Golden-Winged Warbler (!) were still being seen, despite being spotted earlier in the day. While everyone was distracted by the Golden-winged reappearing, the Cerulean came back! Its bright blue back and neck collar were unmistakable.This time it was behind a row of trees, so it wasn’t as easily visible, only found by watching for small flits and flitters within a big tangle of branches. Eventually it showed itself, and even more people were able catch a glimpse! It was still hidden by foliage, so I didn’t get any photos.
Moving along, I staked out the location where a Mourning Warbler had been seen. White-throated Sparrows were drinking and foraging, and a variety of other birds, including Yellow Warblers and a male Blackburnian Warbler were on hand to give people something to look at. Within a few minutes a bright blue bird appeared at the puddles and started drinking with the sparrows…another male Cerulean!!! He foraged on the ground awhile, but then hopped into the trees, where his blue color really popped against the fresh, bright green leaves. This time I got excellent clear views of the bird, and even some photos to boot. What a bird!