Yesterday, Anna and I pulled into the Island Park Public Library to check internet, but the library was closed. As we sat in the truck deciding where to go next, we heard and saw two woodpeckers in the pines above the parking area. We got out and figured they were the more common American Three-toed Woodpecker, but then realized they were actually Black-backed Woodpeckers! This species was a lifer for both of us! The Black-backed Woodpecker prefers areas with recently burned and dead conifers, but these particular ones were foraging on living Lodgepole Pines! Anna and I had heard of a realiable area for them, but it was a little out of the way, so I am glad we were able to come across them with no effort at all!
Earlier today Anna and I drove up to nearby Sawtell Peak to search for Black Rosy-finches. We didnt see or hear any, but it was still an awesome place to visit. Sawtell Peak is one of the highest mountain-tops around and the view from the top is incredible. There wasnt much birdlife at the peak, but we did see American Pipits feeding their young. Below is a photo I took of one of the adult pipits.