I spent 8 hours today hawk watching at Jo Hays Vista. The weather was nice and birds were on the move, despite almost the very light wind speed throughout the day. Chuck Widdman, Ian Gardner, Joe Verica, and many others stopped by throughout the day to help with the count. We ended the day with 353 raptors migrating past. Of that total, 340 were Broad-winged Hawks. To see the complete list and info from today, visit this link. There were a lot of other non-raptors migrating past including the first decent push of Blue Jays, lots of warblers, Chimney Swifts, and a juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker! Monarchs, Green Darners, and Black Saddlebags were also moving past in good numbers. Below are a few photos I took today.

Broad-winged Hawk - adult

Broad-winged Hawk - juvenile

A group of 4 Broad-winged Hawks migrating past

American Kestrel - male

A kettle of Broad-winged Hawks

Osprey - adult

Chimney Swift - 1 of 18 that migrated past today