Its been a very frustrating fall for Jo Hays Vista – winds coming out of the SW have really brought our count down. Luckily, today we had nice, cold NW winds; exactly what we need for a nice push of raptors this time of the year. Tim Shreckengost started off the day at 10, joined by Chet and Sue Gottfried and Chuck Widdman. Around 11:15, I joined everyone at the watch. I ended up staying until 3:30. We had a total of 29 raptors pass by which included 8 Golden Eagles, 5 Bald Eagles, and 16 Red-tailed Hawks. Below are some photos of the final bird of the day, a subadult Golden Eagle that flew directly over our heads at 3:22!

Golden Eagle - subadult (Photo by Alex Lamoreaux)

Golden Eagle - subadult (Photo by Alex Lamoreaux)

Golden Eagle - subadult (Photo by Alex Lamoreaux)